Have you ever found your true cat sleeping in a position that couldn't mayhap exist comfortable? Recently YouTube channel Jaw-Dropping Facts dropped some interesting revelations virtually common cat sleeping positions. Find out what specific true cat sleeping positions reveal about your cat's mood, health, and personality—and check out these cozy cat beds while you're at information technology.

nine mutual true cat sleeping positions

All curled up

orange and brown tabby sleeping curled up on a deck - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash

Yous ofttimes see your cat curled upward with her tail around her body and her head tucked towards her chest—information technology'due south the quintessential true cat pose! This is one of the nigh common cat sleeping positions, and with good reason: In the wild, animals sleep in this position to conserve warmth while protecting vital organs.

True cat in a box

orange and white cat sleeping in a wicker basket - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Jannik Selz on Unsplash

Cats have some peculiar preferences for where they sit (a piece of paper, anyone?). They mostly seek out boxes every bit an instinct to detect cover for hunting, as well equally to hibernate from other predators. Your cat probably equates tight spaces in general with security. You should consider why your cat may be feeling concerned about his safety. For instance, is there a rambunctious pet or a young kid in the house?


white kitten sleeping belly up with paws in the air - cat sleeping positions
Photo past Jonathan Fink on Unsplash

If you come beyond your true cat in the belly-up position, you should feel honored: Cats generally just sleep this style when they feel extremely relaxed and safe. Your true cat's stomach is her most vulnerable torso part, so freely exposing it ways she is comfortable plenty to give upward her most protective instincts.

Half-eye shut

Grey russian blue cat sleeping with one eye open - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Cats sleep a lot. (They dream, as well!) Only the amazing thing about felines is they can simultaneously exist awake and asleep, a skill that comes in handy in the wild when they must be alert to their surround. If your true cat is sleeping with one eye open, one eye closed, chances are he is both sleeping and conscious plenty to react to an impending threat.


orange tabby cat sleeping with paws tucked under body - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Alu Zheng on Unsplash

The loaf—where your true cat sits upright merely tucks her front paws nether her body—is a social media favorite amongst the cat sleeping positions. This adorable pose probable means she isn't planning to sleep for long, merely getting in a quick rest before she moves on with her mean solar day.

Sideways sleeper

white kitten sleeping on side - cat sleeping positions
Photograph by Amy Chen on Unsplash

Like the abdomen-upward pose, a sideways sleeper indicates your cat is very relaxed and in a deep sleep. His vulnerable tummy is somewhat exposed in this position and his limbs are stretched out. He feels safe and content enough non to remain in an alert, shallow sleep.

Mitt beyond the confront

Spotted bengal cat curled up sleeping with paw across the face - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Be yet, our hearts! When your cat strikes the precious pose of putting her paw across the face, it means she doesn't wish to exist disturbed. The video explains that this usually happens unknowingly while your cat is sleeping soundly. It could also indicate that your true cat is trying to cake out the daylight or a brilliant lite in the room. Perchance she needs a kitty sleeping mask!

Monorail cat

brown tabby cat sleeping on the back of a corduroy couch - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Sabri Tuzcu on Unsplash

One of the near interesting of the cat sleeping positions in the monorail, or when your cat lies on the arms or backs of chairs, sofas, staircase banisters, contend posts (and so on) and dangles downwards some or all of his legs. Patently cats rest in this position considering it is more suitable for full general surveillance.


long-haired grey and white cat contorted on a brown chair - cat sleeping positions
Photo by Francesco De Tommaso on Unsplash

Finally, nosotros must pay homage to the weirdest true cat sleeping positions out there, from limbs sticking out every which way to half hanging off the couch with their head twisted around. We mostly refer to this as the contortionist position, and it turns out at that place's no detail science behind it. Chances are, it's just what feels comfortable for your cat at the time!

Now you know what the about mutual cat sleeping positions hateful. Which is your—and your cat's—favorite?

Spotted bengal cat curled up sleeping with paw across the face - what do common cat sleeping positions mean?


11 reasons why